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Planning and Development Act 2000

(Act 30 of 2000)
Planning and Development Bill 1999 (Bill 46 of 1999)

Bill entitled an Act to revise and consolidate the law relating to planning and development by repealing and re-enacting with amendments the Local Government (Planning and Development) Acts, 1963 to 1999; to provide, in the interests of the common good, for proper planning and sustainable development including the provision of housing; to provide for the licensing of events and control of funfairs; to extend the tenure of managers under the Local Government Act, 1991, and, for that and other purposes, to amend that Act; to amend the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992, the Roads Act, 1993, the Waste Management Act, 1996, and certain other enactments; and to provide for matters connected therewith

Last updated: 28 Aug 2000

Sponsored by: Minister for Environment and Local Government;

Source: Government

Originating House: Seanad Éireann

History of this Act

The Bill has been signed into law by the President.

28 Aug 2000

  • Seanad First Stage

    23 Aug 1999

    Seanad First Stage

    The Bill is initiated or presented to the House

    23 Aug 1999


  • Seanad Second Stage

    14 Oct 1999

    Seanad Second Stage

    The general principles of the Bill are debated

    14 Oct 1999


  • Seanad Third Stage

    26 Nov 1999

    Seanad Third Stage

    The Bill is examined section by section and amendments may be made
    (Also known as Committee Stage)

    26 Nov 1999


  • Seanad Fourth Stage

    21 Jun 2000

    Seanad Fourth Stage

    Amendments arising out of Committee Stage are considered
    (Also known as Report Stage)

    21 Jun 2000


  • Seanad Fifth Stage

    21 Jun 2000

    Seanad Fifth Stage

    Final statements on the Bill are made and it is set down for Second Stage in the Dáil
    (Also known as Final Stage)

    21 Jun 2000


  • Dáil First Stage


    Dáil First Stage

    The Bill is deemed to have passed Dáil First Stage



  • Dáil Second Stage

    23 Mar 2000

    Dáil Second Stage

    The general principles of the Bill are debated

    23 Mar 2000


  • Dáil Third Stage

    23 Mar 2000

    Dáil Third Stage

    The Bill is examined section by section and amendments may be made

    (Also known as Committee Stage)

    23 Mar 2000


  • Dáil Fourth Stage

    15 Jun 2000

    Dáil Fourth Stage

    Amendments arising out of Committee Stage are considered

    (Also known as Report Stage)

    15 Jun 2000


  • Dáil Fifth Stage

    15 Jun 2000

    Dáil Fifth Stage

    Final statements on the Bill are made

    (Also known as Final Stage)

    15 Jun 2000


  • Referral to Supreme Court

    30 Jun 2000

    Referral to Supreme Court

    The Bill was referred to the Supreme Court for a decision on its compatibility with the Constitution.

    30 Jun 2000


  • Enacted

    28 Aug 2000


    The Bill is signed into law by the President

    28 Aug 2000



28 Aug 2000

An tAcht um Pleanáil agus Forbairt, 2000

28 Aug 2000

Planning and Development Act 2000


21 Jun 2000

Seanad Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil ] : Report and Final Stages.

15 Jun 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage.

15 Jun 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Report Stage (Resumed).

14 Jun 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Report Stage (Resumed).

14 Jun 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Report Stage (Resumed).

14 Jun 2000

Dáil Éireann

Allocation of Time Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Motion.

14 Jun 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Report Stage (Resumed).

13 Jun 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Report Stage (Resumed).

13 Jun 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Report Stage.

13 Jun 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Order for Report Stage.

18 May 2000

Select Committee On Environment And Local Government

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad]: Committee Stage (Resumed).

17 May 2000

Select Committee On Environment And Local Government

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad]: Committee Stage (Resumed).

16 May 2000

Select Committee On Environment And Local Government

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad]: Committee Stage (Resumed).

11 May 2000

Select Committee On Environment And Local Government

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad]: Committee Stage (Resumed).

10 May 2000

Select Committee On Environment And Local Government

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad]: Committee Stage (Resumed).

2 May 2000

Select Committee On Environment And Local Government

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad]: Committee Stage (Resumed).

20 Apr 2000

Select Committee On Environment And Local Government

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad]: Committee Stage (Resumed).

19 Apr 2000

Select Committee On Environment And Local Government

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad]: Committee Stage (Resumed).

18 Apr 2000

Select Committee On Environment And Local Government

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad]: Committee Stage (Resumed).

13 Apr 2000

Select Committee On Environment And Local Government

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad]: Committee Stage (Resumed).

12 Apr 2000

Select Committee On Environment And Local Government

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad]: Committee Stage (Resumed).

12 Apr 2000

Select Committee On Environment And Local Government

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad]: Committee Stage (Resumed).

11 Apr 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999: Motion.

11 Apr 2000

Select Committee On Environment And Local Government

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad]: Committee Stage.

23 Mar 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Referral to Select Committee.

23 Mar 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Second Stage (Resumed).

23 Mar 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Second Stage (Resumed).

7 Mar 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Second Stage (Resumed).

7 Mar 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Second Stage (Resumed).

17 Feb 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Second Stage (Resumed).

17 Feb 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Second Stage (Resumed).

16 Feb 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [Seanad] : Second Stage (Resumed).

15 Feb 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Second Stage (Resumed).

10 Feb 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Second Stage (Resumed).

10 Feb 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Second Stage (Resumed).

9 Feb 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Second Stage (Resumed).

3 Feb 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Second Stage (Resumed).

2 Feb 2000

Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999 [ Seanad ] : Second Stage.

2 Dec 1999

Seanad Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage.

1 Dec 1999

Seanad Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999: Report Stage.

26 Nov 1999

Seanad Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999: Committee Stage (Resumed).

24 Nov 1999

Seanad Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999: Committee Stage (Resumed).

24 Nov 1999

Seanad Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999: Committee Stage (Resumed).

23 Nov 1999

Seanad Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999: Committee Stage (Resumed).

17 Nov 1999

Seanad Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999: Committee Stage (Resumed).

17 Nov 1999

Seanad Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999: Committee Stage (Resumed).

10 Nov 1999

Seanad Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999: Committee Stage.

20 Oct 1999

Seanad Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999: Second Stage (Resumed).

14 Oct 1999

Seanad Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999: Second Stage.

14 Oct 1999

Seanad Éireann

Planning and Development Bill, 1999: Order for Second Stage.
