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Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018

(Act 14 of 2018)
Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016 (Bill 58 of 2016)

Bill entitled an Act to make provision, in the interests of the common good, that a school recognised in accordance with section 10 of the Education Act 1998 shall prepare and publish an admission policy and that such policy shall include a statement that the school shall not discriminate in its admission of a student to the school on specified grounds, and to provide that in certain circumstances the patron or Minister may issue a direction to a board of management in relation to the admission of students to a school and to provide that in certain circumstances the patron may appoint an independent person to comply with such direction, and to provide that in certain circumstances the National Council for Special Education or the Child and Family Agency may designate a school or centre for education which a child is to attend, and to provide an amended appeals process where a student has been expelled or suspended from, or has failed to gain admission to, a school; and to provide that, following a report from the National Council for Special Education, in certain circumstances the Minister may issue a direction in respect of the additional provision of education for children with special educational needs; to amend section 7 of the Equal Status Act 2000 in relation to its application to recognised primary schools, to further amend that Act to provide for the application for admission to recognised primary schools by students of minority religions; and for those and other purposes to amend the Education Act 1998, the Education (Welfare) Act 2000, the Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004 and the Education (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2007, and to provide for related matters.

Last updated: 18 Jul 2018

Sponsored by: Minister for Education and Skills;

Source: Government

Originating House: Dáil Éireann

History of this Act

The Bill has been signed into law by the President.

18 Jul 2018

  • Dáil First Stage

    6 Jul 2016

    Dáil First Stage

    The Bill is initiated or presented to the House

    6 Jul 2016


  • Dáil Second Stage

    16 Nov 2016

    Dáil Second Stage

    The general principles of the Bill are debated

    16 Nov 2016


  • Dáil Third Stage

    17 Nov 2016

    Dáil Third Stage

    The Bill is examined section by section and amendments may be made

    (Also known as Committee Stage)

    17 Nov 2016


  • Dáil Fourth Stage

    29 May 2018

    Dáil Fourth Stage

    Amendments arising out of Committee Stage are considered

    (Also known as Report Stage)

    29 May 2018


  • Dáil Fifth Stage

    30 May 2018

    Dáil Fifth Stage

    Final statements on the Bill are made and it is set down for Second Stage in the Seanad

    (Also known as Final Stage)

    30 May 2018


  • Seanad First Stage


    Seanad First Stage

    The Bill is deemed to have passed Seanad First Stage



  • Seanad Second Stage

    13 Jun 2018

    Seanad Second Stage

    The general principles of the Bill are debated

    13 Jun 2018


  • Seanad Third Stage

    13 Jun 2018

    Seanad Third Stage

    The Bill is examined section by section and amendments may be made
    (Also known as Committee Stage)

    13 Jun 2018


  • Seanad Fourth Stage

    27 Jun 2018

    Seanad Fourth Stage

    Amendments arising out of Committee Stage are considered
    (Also known as Report Stage)

    27 Jun 2018


  • Seanad Fifth Stage

    4 Jul 2018

    Seanad Fifth Stage

    Final statements on the Bill are made
    (Also known as Final Stage)

    4 Jul 2018


  • Enacted

    18 Jul 2018


    The Bill is signed into law by the President

    18 Jul 2018



18 Jul 2018

Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018

4 Jul 2018

As Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016

1 Jun 2018

As passed by Dáil Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016

28 Jun 2017

As amended in Committee/Select Committee (Dáil Eireann)

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016

6 Jul 2016

As initiated

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016


6 Jul 2018

Cream List

Cream List [Seanad amendments to Dáil Bill]

4 Jul 2018

Report Stage

Numbered List [Seanad]

29 Jun 2018

Cream List

Cream List [Seanad amendments to Dáil Bill]

20 Jun 2018

Committee Stage

Numbered List [Seanad]

25 May 2018

Report Stage

Numbered List [Dáil]

26 Jun 2017

Committee Stage

Numbered List [Dáil]


10 Jul 2018

Dáil Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: From the Seanad

4 Jul 2018

Seanad Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Report and Final Stages

27 Jun 2018

Seanad Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Committee Stage (Resumed)

20 Jun 2018

Seanad Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Committee Stage

13 Jun 2018

Seanad Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Second Stage (Resumed)

13 Jun 2018

Seanad Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Second Stage

30 May 2018

Dáil Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage

29 May 2018

Dáil Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Report Stage (Resumed)

29 May 2018

Dáil Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Report Stage

29 May 2018

Dáil Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Order for Report Stage

28 Jun 2017

Select Committee On Education And Skills

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Committee Stage

17 Nov 2016

Dáil Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Referral to Select Committee

17 Nov 2016

Dáil Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Second Stage (Resumed)

16 Nov 2016

Dáil Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Second Stage

16 Nov 2016

Dáil Éireann

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Order for Second Stage
