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Wednesday, 18 Oct 2006

Business of Joint Committee.

Can I raise a very serious matter? Yet again, this week the committee has met at a time that coincides exactly with the Order of Business in the Seanad. This shows contempt for Members of the Seanad who take duties seriously, which are primarily to the Houses of the Oireachtas. There will be a vote on the Order of Business in the Seanad which I must attend. I seriously object to this continued practice. I raised it on the Order of Business. A Senator betrayed the interests of the Seanad by attending and allowing this meeting to be quorate. He treated the Seanad with contempt and I will now treat this committee with the same contempt by leaving.

Senator Norris pointed out to me that he had to attend the Order of Business. I stated that we would facilitate him when he managed to attend this meeting. The time schedule of this committee does not suit Senators.

It never happens in any committee with regard to the other House. It is a way in which the system treats the Seanad with complete contempt and it prevents those of us interested and involved from making a contribution.

We aim to facilitate Senators at all times. I have no problem changing the time at which this committee meets providing a suitable slot is found. We did not deliberately sit at this time to discommode Senator Norris. I understand the problem.

I have no problem with the Chairman, who has facilitated us. The system is wrong and consistently treats the Seanad with complete contempt. It never happens in any committee with regard to the other House. I must go.

I suggest we place timing of meetings on the agenda of our next meeting.

As a visiting Member I suggest 9 a.m. on a Friday morning. That will not clash with the Seanad.
