Bill entitled an Act to make further and better provision for persons with disabilities in respect of accessibility to public buildings, public services and certain other services and to employment in the public service; to provide for the establishment by Comhairle, as part of its advocacy services of a personal advocacy service to represent, help or support certain persons with disabilities in seeking assistance for their needs from statutory or voluntary bodies; to give additional powers to the National Disability Authority for the purposes of monitoring and promoting compliance with the provisions of the Act by public bodies and certain other service providers; to regulate genetic testing of persons; to establish a centre for excellence in universal design; and to provide for related matters
Last updated: 25 Apr 2002
History of this Bill
The Bill lapsed with the dissolution of the Dáil.
25 Apr 2002
Dáil Éireann
Seanad Éireann
Dáil First Stage
19 Dec 2001
Dáil First Stage
The Bill is initiated or presented to the House
19 Dec 2001
Dáil Second Stage
Dáil Second Stage
The general principles of the Bill are debated
Future Stage
Dáil Third Stage
Dáil Third Stage
The Bill is examined section by section and amendments may be made
(Also known as Committee Stage)n/a
Future Stage
Dáil Fourth Stage
Dáil Fourth Stage
Amendments arising out of Committee Stage are considered
(Also known as Report Stage)n/a
Future Stage
Dáil Fifth Stage
Dáil Fifth Stage
Final statements on the Bill are made and it is set down for Second Stage in the Seanad
(Also known as Final Stage)n/a
Future Stage
Seanad First Stage
Seanad First Stage
The Bill is deemed to have passed Seanad First Stage
Future Stage
Seanad Second Stage
Seanad Second Stage
The general principles of the Bill are debated
Future Stage
Seanad Third Stage
Seanad Third Stage
The Bill is examined section by section and amendments may be made
(Also known as Committee Stage)n/a
Future Stage
Seanad Fourth Stage
Seanad Fourth Stage
Amendments arising out of Committee Stage are considered
(Also known as Report Stage)n/a
Future Stage
Seanad Fifth Stage
Seanad Fifth Stage
Final statements on the Bill are made
(Also known as Final Stage)n/a
Future Stage
The Bill is signed into law by the President
Future Stage
19 Dec 2001
As initiated
Disability Bill 2001