As we have a quorum, I propose to begin the meeting. The first item on the agenda is the election of Chairman. I ask for nominations.
Election of Chairman.
Clerk to the Committee
I propose Deputy Perry.
Clerk to the Committee
Are there any other proposals?
I propose Deputy Perry.
I second that proposal.
He can only be proposed once.
We will let his own lads at it.
He is proposed now.
Clerk to the Committee
Are there any other nominations?
We would like to be recorded as proposing him.
Clerk to the Committee
As there are no other nominations, I call on Deputy Perry to take the Chair.
Deputy Perry took the Chair.
I thank my proposer and seconder and members of the committee for electing me Chairman of the Committee of Public Accounts. It is a great honour to be given such an important role in a committee that has done much to raise the profile and relevance of the Dáil in recent years. The Committee of Public Accounts has performed a critical and important role in setting standards for accountability and transparency in the public service.
I am pleased that Deputies Rabbitte, Ardagh, Dennehy, McCormack and Batt O'Keeffe will remain members of the committee. I know their collective experience as members of the previous committee will stand us in good stead. I also welcome my fellow new members, Deputies Boyle, Connaughton, Curran, Fleming, Joe Higgins and McGuinness.
The committee plays a crucial function in maintaining high standards in the public service. It should be a public watchdog reviewing and assessing how taxpayers' money is spent. It is vital that taxpayers see and believe that their hard-earned money is not wasted and is spent efficiently by the State. It is equally important, especially at a time of scarce resources, that public money is not wasted and that it can be directed to members of the community who have the greatest needs. It is important that people's tax euros are spent efficiently, effectively and economically. It is vital that the State obtains good value when spending the hard-earned cash of taxpayers. I see part of the function of the committee as ensuring that people are held accountable for the stewardship of the public purse.
It is also important that those who are charged with the collection of tax revenue on behalf of the State perform this task efficiently and effectively and treat all taxpayers equally and fairly. They must always remember that they are performing the task on behalf of the citizens of the State. This involves the need for compliance and also owning up and making recompense when the Revenue Commissioners get it wrong. I found it alarming that the Ombudsman was obliged to report the Revenue to the Oireachtas for its failure to compensate taxpayers who were owed money. This type of bureaucratic contempt for taxpayers will not find favour in this committee.
I look forward to working with members in a business-like, productive and open manner that will do justice to the work of the committee and permit the efficient discharge of our work programme. I will endeavour to be as fair and impartial as I can to members of the committee and to maintain the non-partisan approach that has been the hallmark of the Committee of Public Accounts over the years. I am sure all the committee members have an interest in getting to the truth, eliminating waste and getting best value for money. I look forward to a constructive, effective and probing public committee. I will play my role to ensure the committee maintains the high public and political respect bestowed on previous committees.
I pay tribute to my predecessors, Senator Finucane and the former Deputy, Jim Mitchell, whose commitment and dedication set standards for us all to follow.
The second item on the agenda is the election of the Vice-Chairman. I propose that that be deferred. Is that agreed? Agreed. We will now go into private session.
The Committee went into private session at 11.09 a.m. and adjourned at 12.35 p.m. until11 a.m. on Thursday, 21 November 2002.