Can we agree to note the listing of accounts and financial statements? Is that agreed? Agreed. As usual, the listing of accounts and financial statements will be published as part of our minutes.
I will move to correspondence. As previously agreed, items that were not flagged for discussion for this meeting will be dealt with in accordance with the proposed actions that have been circulated and decisions taken by the committee in relation to correspondence are recorded in the minutes of the committee's meetings and published on the committee's web page. It is important to note that due to the likelihood of the impending dissolution of the Thirty-third Dáil, the committee may not be in a position to carry out any of the actions relating to correspondence that are agreed during this meeting. The Dáil may be dissolved while we are in the meeting.
Members have flagged two items for discussion under category C - correspondence from and relating to private individuals and any other correspondence. No. R2859, received from an individual and dated 17 October 2024, is correspondence to the committee in respect of the newly appointed MetroLink CEO. I propose that we advise the correspondent that the committee will continue to review the effectiveness of expenditure on MetroLink by the Department of Transport and-or Transport Infrastructure Ireland as part of its ongoing examination of the Department's audited accounts and Transport Infrastructure Ireland's audited financial statements. I flagged this item for discussion. Would anybody like to come in on this issue? MetroLink is something this committee looked at before my time and will continue to look at. The likelihood is that this will be the last meeting of this committee but I felt it was important, given the fact that we got correspondence on the matter, to flag it for discussion. We hope to continue that examination. Does anybody else want to come in? I will move on. Is the proposal that we do that agreed? Agreed.
No. R2881, received from an individual and dated 24 October 2024, is correspondence to the committee in respect of the Health Service Executive. I propose that we write to the HSE to request a breakdown of the €601,000 in additional direct costs incurred by it with respect to a nursing home from May to June 2024. I flagged this item for discussion. Would anybody like to come in on the issue? Is the proposal agreed? Agreed.
No. R2882C is from an individual referred to as CEO No. 2 in the recent inspector’s report published by the Charities Regulator into the affairs of the Peter McVerry Trust. The correspondence is dated 24 October 2024 and concerns our meeting of 17 October 2024, at which we examined the 2023 financial statements of the Charities Regulator. The correspondent contests a statement made at the meeting by the CEO of the Charities Regulator. When asked how the Charities Regulator became aware of issues at the Peter McVerry Trust, the CEO of the Charities Regulator stated that it first became aware of the issue by way of letter in July 2023 stating, “The letter referred to some cash flow difficulties but not beyond normal ranges and there was nothing to worry about, etc.” At the meeting of 17 October, it was confirmed that the letter was received from the correspondent, who takes issue with the CEO’s statement that the cash flow difficulties were not beyond normal ranges and there was nothing to worry about. In evidence provided in support of this, the correspondent has submitted a letter to the committee dated 14 July 2023. In the second paragraph of the letter, the correspondent states:
In my first five weeks in office, I have undertaken a specific piece of work to assess the financial health of the organisation. That review has established that there is a cashflow issue, outside of normal historical ranges for PMVT and as a consequence, the creditors' liability is also above normal levels.
As the correspondent was not present at the meeting, they had no opportunity to contest the statement by the CEO of the Charities Regulator at the meeting of 17 October. It is important to note that this committee is not an adjudicative body and is not making an assessment in relation to this matter. Is it agreed to make the correspondent aware that their position is now on the parliamentary record? Agreed.
That concludes our consideration of correspondence today. We now move on to the work programme.
Members have been circulated with a draft work programme discussion document, which will be displayed on our screens in a moment. It is displayed now. It is likely there will be no further meetings of the Committee of Public Accounts. In the committee’s press release earlier this week, we requested that the next committee examine the expenditure of the national children’s hospital at its earliest opportunity. I might get agreement first and then we will discuss it. Is it agreed that the secretariat should bring this to the attention of the next committee? Agreed. I will now open this up for discussion.