We declare in the words of the Irish Republican Proclamation the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies to be indefeasible, and in the language of our first President, Pádraig Mac Phiarais, we declare that the Nation's sovereignty extends not only to all men and women of the Nation, but to all its material possessions, the Nation's soil and all its resources, all the wealth and all the wealth-producing processes within the Nation, and with him we reaffirm that all right to private property must be subordinated to the public right and welfare.
We declare that we desire our country to be ruled in accordance with the principles of Liberty, Equality, and Justice for all, which alone can secure permanence of Government in the willing adhesion of the people.
We affirm the duty of every man and woman to give allegiance and service to the Commonwealth, and declare it is the duty of the Nation to assure that every citizen shall have opportunity to spend his or her strength and faculties in the service of the people. In return for willing service, we, in the name of the Republic, declare the right of every citizen to an adequate share of the produce of the Nation's labour.
It shall be the first duty of the Government of the Republic to make provision for the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of the children, to secure that no child shall suffer hunger or cold from lack of food, clothing, or shelter, but that all shall be provided with the means and facilities requisite for their proper education and training as Citizens of a Free and Gaelic Ireland.
The Irish Republic fully realises the necessity of abolishing the present odious, degrading and foreign Poor Law System, substituting therefor a sympathetic native scheme for the care of the Nation's aged and infirm, who shall not be regarded as a burden, but rather entitled to the Nation's gratitude and consideration. Likewise it shall be the duty of the Republic to take such measures as will safeguard the health of the people and ensure the physical as well as the moral well-being of the Nation.
It shall be our duty to promote the development of the Nation's resources, to increase the productivity of its soil, to exploit its mineral deposits, peat bogs, and fisheries, its waterways and harbours, in the interests and for the benefit of the Irish people.
It shall be the duty of the Republic to adopt all measures necessary for the recreation and invigoration of our Industries, and to ensure their being developed on the most beneficial and progressive co-operative and industrial lines. With the adoption of an extensive Irish Consular Service, trade with foreign Nations shall be revived on terms of mutual advantage and goodwill, and while undertaking the organisation of the Nation's trade, import and export, it shall be the duty of the Republic to prevent the shipment from Ireland of food and other necessaries until the wants of the Irish people are fully satisfied and the future provided for.
It shall also devolve upon the National Government to seek co-operation of the Governments of other countries in determining a standard of Social and Industrial Legislation with a view to a general and lasting improvement in the conditions under which the working classes live and labour.
Iarraim ar an dTeachta ó Chluain Tairbh an méid sin do chur i dtairgsin don Dáil.
A Chinn Chomhairle agus a lucht na Dála, deinimse an clár so a thairgsin díbh agus iarraim oraibh glacadh leis go fonnmhar agus a bhrígh do chur i bhfeidhm go beacht i nbhur ngníomharthaibh agus i nbhur ndlighthibh. Tá ár dtír agus ár muinntir le fada fé dhaorsmacht agus fé cheangal ár námhad. Táimídne indiu ag briseadh na gceangal agus ag cur na smachta ar neamhnídh, acht tá rian na gceangal agus na hannsmachta uirthe. Siad an obair agus an tráchtáil mór-chuislí na tíre. Insna cuislibh sin a théidheann fuil na tíre, an fhuil sin a thugann beatha agus sláinte dá corp agus spionadh dá hanam. Táid siad san i leith na brúidhte agus na briste againn de bhárr na hannsmachta. Níl an rith ceart sa bhfuil agus dá bhárr san tá atanna gránda ann annso agus annsúd ar chorp na tíre, insna catharachaibh, insna bailtibh agus fé'n dtuaith féin. Comhartha dhúinne na hatanna san ar ghalar a raghaidh i méid agus a dhéanfaidh, b'fhéidir, ár dtír do mharbhú mara leighstear é. Má tá uainn ár dtír a mhaireachtaint agus bheith beo i dteannta í d'fhuasgailt caithimíd í shlánú. Deinimís é go cruinn agus go h-ealadhnta. Tuigimís go cruinn sa ghnó san cad is í ár dtír - an Éire seo a bhíonn mar thaidhbhreamh agus mar thairngearacht ag an uile dhuine dá clainn ó thús a óige. Tuigimís gur ab í an tír seo í, áluinn mar a dhein Dia í, saidhbhir le saothar a muinntire, geal le na ngáire, aoibhinn le n-a meidhir, naomhtha le n-a gcreideamh agus a ndeagh-mhéinn. Tuigimís gur ab í an mhuinntir seo againn ag maireachtaint go meidhreach agus go síothchána imeasg an tsaidhbhris a bhronn Dia ortha agus ghá oibriú chun a gcothuighthe í. Agus nuair a chuirfimíd chun an oibriú san do réidhteach agus do riaghlú, deinimís é ar shlighe a chosgfaidh éinne de lucht miosgais agus foghla ar theacht ag guidh an tsaidhbhris dóibh féin ag bochtanú na ndaoine.
Ní féidir le náisiún bheith saor an fhaid agus tá an chuid is lugha dá mhuintir gan saoirse. Ní féidir le náisiún bheith beo agus 'na bheathaidh an fhaid agus a dhiúltuighthear d'aon chuid des na daoine a gcion ceart féin den mhaoin agus den tsaidhbhreas a bhronn Dia orainn go léir chun sinn a dheunamh beo, agus chun na beatha bhuanú ionainn. Dá bhrigh sin iarraim oraibh glacadh leis an rún so. Cuirimís i bhfeidhm i nár reachtaibh é, agus bíodh cuimhne againn i n-ár ngníomharthaibh i gcomhnuidhe ar na daoine gur cúram dúinn iad do theagasg agus do chosaint.
Do léigheadh an clár sa dá theangain agus dá bhrigh sin is beag duine annso ná tuigeann an scéal. Is mór an t-áthas damhsa cur leis an dtairgsin. Badh mhaith liom a chur ar a súilibh do lucht na Dála cad é a ndualgas i dtaobh an chláir seo. Do cuireadh os bhur gcomhair indiu mórán nidhthe, agus isé bhur ndualgas an cúrsa do leanamhaint go dlúth. Agus budh mhaith liom a chur ina luighe ar mhuinntir na tíre gur chóir dóibh cabhrughadh go dian is go dlúth, ionnas go mbeadh ar a gcumas é chur i ngníomh mar ba cheart.
Do chualabhair go léir an méid sin. An toil libh glacadh leis an dtairgsin? ["Is toil"] Tá glacaithe leis d'aonghuth.