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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 3 Oct 1922

Vol. 1 No. 16



I think it was on last Friday Deputy O'Connell asked a question with regard to the Civil Service Committee, and the President said: "I am not yet in a position to announce the terms of reference and the personnel of the Committee, but I hope to be able to do so at an early date." If the President were here to-day he would state: "The Government has decided to set up an advisory committee, with the following terms of reference:—

"To enquire into and advise as to the compensation and all matters consequent thereon which should be paid under Article 10 of the Treaty to any Civil Servant or other public servant or officer of the Irish Government who may be discharged or may retire in consequence of the change of Government."

The Committee will consist of an impartial Chairman, two representatives appointed by the Minister for Finance, and two representatives appointed by the staff. Mr. Justice Wylie has accepted the invitation of the Government to act as Chairman. The two representatives appointed by the Minister for Finance will be drawn from the public service, and the two representatives of the staff will be elected by the Civil Service Federation on the understanding that when any particular class of public servant is being considered one of the staff representatives will be chosen by and from that class.

It is hoped to commence the sittings of the Committee immediately, and an early announcement will be made to the public service regarding procedure.


I asked the President, about a fortnight ago, if he could let us have a list of the Executive Decrees that had been passed, and that were now in force. The President promised, in the course of a few days, to circulate that list, but we have not had it. We can easily understand that he has been very busy since then, but it would be desirable if the Minister could let us know when it would be likely for us to have it.


I am afraid the question should be addressed to the President himself.
