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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 4 Mar 1925

Vol. 10 No. 7


I move:—

Go dtugaidh an Dáil cead chun na Meastachán Bhreise agus Nua seo a leanas, i gcóir seirbhísí na bliana dar críoch 31adh Márta, 1925, do thabhairt isteach, eadhon—Vótálacha a 5 (Oifig an Aire Airgid), 9 (Coimisiúin Shealadacha), 13 (Coimisiún um Stát-Sheirbhís)), 21 (Costaisí fén Representation of the People Act, 1918, fén Acht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923, agus fé Acht na gCoistí Dháréag (Leasú), 1924), 28 (Oifigigh Cúirte Contae), 29 (Eilithe Dlí), 49 (Oideachas Idirmheánach), 51 (Scoileanna fé Bhrontanas), 60 (An Roinn Iascaigh), 64 (Aisíocanna isteach sa Chiste Teangmhais), 65 (Banca Náisiúnta Talmhan, Teo).

That leave be given by the Dáil to introduce the following Supple mentary and Additional Estimates for the service of the year ending 31st March, 1925, viz.—Votes Nos. 5 (Office of the Minister for Finance), 9 (Temporary Commissions), 13 (Civil Service Commission), 21 (Expenses under the Representation of the People Act, 1918, the Electoral Act, 1923, and the Juries (Amend ment) Act, 1924), 28 (County Court Officers), 29 (Law Charges), 49 (In termediate Education), 51 (En dowed Schools), 60 (Department of Fisheries), 64 (Repayments of Con tingency Fund), 65 (National Land Bank, Ltd.).

Would it be possible to meet the convenience of Deputies by fixing a time for the consideration of at least one of those Votes in which a great many Deputies are interested? The Vote I refer to is Vote 49, which deals with Intermediate Education.

I am prepared to meet the convenience of the Dáil in any way. When the Vote comes on, if any Deputy expresses a wish to have it postponed, I will be glad to postpone it until a time that suits him.

I do not think the Estimates will be reached to-day. If any Deputy desires to have a particular estimate taken at a particular time would it not be well to fix the time now?

I propose to take the Estimates at the earliest possible hour to-morrow.

On Vote No. 5 (Office of the Minister for Finance) I desire to raise a matter that I think might possibly come within that Vote —the method of assessing and collecting income tax from railway employees. If it is not possible to bring the matter under that Vote, I will raise it on the motion for the adjournment to-morrow. Perhaps I may be allowed to give notice of my intention to raise the matter in that way now.

Motion for leave to introduce Supplementary and Additional Estimates put and agreed to.
Ordered: That consideration of Supplementary and Additional Estimates be placed on the Orders of the Day for Thursday, 5th March, and that Vote 49 be taken first.