asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he can state why unemployment benefit has been refused to Patrick Noonan, Newcastle, Ballymahon, Co. Longford, who worked for the Longford County Council from April, 1924, to July, 1925, and who worked previously for other employers; and, further, if he is aware that the applicant had seventy stamps to his credit when disemployed by the Council and that he appeared before a Board of Referees in Athlone on October 14th, 1925, which Board granted benefit; and whether, as their decision has been turned down by the Umpire, he will have this case re-investigated with a view to having benefits paid or the full value of the stamps refunded to the applicant.
A claim to Unemployment Insurance benefit made on the 18th August last by Mr. Patrick Noonan, of Newcastle, Ballymahon, Co. Longford, was disallowed by the Insurance Officer because the claimant failed to satisfy the conditions laid down in Section 7 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1920, which requires that the claimant must be unemployed and unable to obtain suitable employment. The claimant appealed to the Court of Referees, which recommended that benefit be allowed. The case was then referred to the Umpire, who decided that the claim must be disallowed. That decision is final. The applicant had 92 contributions to the credit of his account with the Unemployment Fund, but in addition to requiring the necessary contributions the applicant must, at the time he claims benefit, satisfy the other conditions, including that which I have mentioned. If new facts are brought forward, of which the Umpire was not aware when giving his original decision, that decision can be reviewed, but no such facts have been submitted in this case. I have no power to refund contributions properly and legally paid.