asked the Minister for Lands and Agriculture if he will state what lands have been acquired by the Land Commission for division under the Land Act, 1923, in County Wicklow, and what lands are the subject of negotiations for resumption, and if he will state the names of the owners and the acreage of lands acquired and about to be acquired.
The Land Commission have purchased under the Land Act, 1923, in County Wicklow an area of 430 acres of Untenanted Land, and in addition have agreed to purchase or have fixed a price in respect of, or have gazetted 1,010 acres. The names of the owners of the individual estates concerned and the area thereof are as follows:—
Estate. |
Area.(acres) |
Braddell Reps. of O. |
430 |
Saunders, Capt. M. C. |
304 |
Mitchell, Major H.W. |
289 |
Knockarrigg, Land Committee |
182 |
Bayley, Major E.A. |
95 |
Dennis, Misses A. and E. |
66 |
Shirley, Herbert |
56 |
Dennis, Capt. M.F. |
18 |
1,010 |
In addition to the above, the Land Commission have instituted inquiries as to the suitability for purchase of some 55,000 acres of untenanted land in County Wicklow, of which 13,000 acres have been already inspected.
As regards negotiations for resumption of holdings in County Wicklow the Commissioners are at present considering the resumption of some 400 acres.