asked the Minister for Lands and Fisheries whether he is aware of the grave dissatisfaction that exists amongst the local congests and residents generally owing to the delay of four years on the part of the Land Commission in acquiring the lands of Parsonstown. Carbery, Co. Kildare, held by the late B.J. Eivers, containing 377 acres 3 roods 10 perches, and whether he will instruct the Land Commission to take immediate action for the acquisition of these lands so much needed for the relief of congestion.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Acquisition of Parsonstown Lands.
The Land Commission are aware of the congestion existing in the neighbourhood of the lands of Parsonstown on the estate of representatives of Bernard J. Eivers, and have instituted proceedings for their acquisition under the provisions of the Land Act, 1923. These lands have been gazetted, but an objection on behalf of the owners to their acquisition by the Land Commission has been lodged. The objection will be listed for hearing by the Land Commission at an early date.
"An early date"— after four years!