I wish to refer to a matter of urgent importance, of which the Chair has already had notice. I desire to ask if the Government has any statement to make with regard to their interference in the situation that has now arisen in Dublin because of the strike at the North Wall, where 150 men have gone out? The work in which they were engaged is now stopped at the port. I would like to mention also that the railway men will shortly be out. I would like to know if the President thinks it is now time to interfere in order to bring about a settlement of the dispute.
Labour Dispute.
Has any Minister had notice of the question to which the Deputy refers?
The strike took place just within the last hour or so. I gave notice of the question as soon as I was informed of the position.
I have had notice of this matter a few moments ago, but I understand that no Minister has had notice. Perhaps at the conclusion of the business on the Order Paper to-day the Deputy will submit the question. In the interval he can give notice to the Minister concerned.
Very well.