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Dáil Éireann debate -
Friday, 6 Mar 1931

Vol. 37 No. 10

Supplementary Estimate. - Agriculture Bill, 1930—Report and Final Stages.

I move amendment 1:

In page 9, lines 26-27, Section 18 (2) to delete the words "twelve months ending on the 30th day of June in any year" and substitute the words "six months ending on the 30th day of June or the 31st day of December in any year."

Instead of the amendment which the Deputy has moved, I ask him to accept the following which is to the same effect:

In page 9, line 19, Section 18 (1) to insert after the words "as soon as may be after" the words "the 31st day of December and," and to delete in line 23 the word "twelve" and substitute the word "six," and in line 26 to delete the words "twelve months ending" and substitute the words "six months ending on the 31st day of December in any year or," and to delete in line 35 the word "twelve" and substitute the word "six."

I ask leave to withdraw my amendment in favour of the Minister's.

Leave granted.
Amendment moved by Minister for Agriculture agreed to.

I move amendment 2: In page 4, line 22, Section 33 (2), to delete the word "shall" and substitute the word "may."

On the Committee Stage the Minister promised to consider this.

Mr. Hogan

It would be impossible to accept this amendment, because to do so would mean altering the Bill to this extent that schemes could be put through without the sanction of the Minister. Whatever our views on that may be, that is the whole schemes of the Bill. As I understand it, the Deputy is afraid that when schemes are put up to the Minister he will reject half of them, and then force the Committee to put the other half through. That, of course, is an extreme case. The real point is that whatever schemes do go through are schemes that are agreed on by the Committee and by the Minister.

I do not see that it would have the effect the Minister has mentioned. If, on the Second Reading of the Bill, the House accepted the principle that the Minister should have the right of interference, I do not want now to challenge that, but I do not see that the amendment would have that effect.

Mr. Hogan

I am advised that it would.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.
Amendment 3—In page 20, line 45 Second Schedule, at the end of Rule 10 to add the words "subject to the provisions of Rule 2." (Deputy Ryan) —agreed to.
Question: That the Bill, as amended, be received for final consideration—put and agreed to.
Leave granted for the taking of the Final Stage.
Question—That the Bill do now pass —put and agreed to.