It appears that the order of Parliamentary business to-morrow would make it very convenient that the Report Stage of the Beet Sugar Bill be taken to-morrow instead of Friday. If that were possible, there is every probability that the House would not have to sit on Friday. Accordingly, I would ask the House to discharge the order made that the Report Stage of the Sugar Beet Bill be taken on Friday, and that it be taken to-morrow instead. I understand that if any objection is taken to-morrow to that procedure the Bill would be taken on Friday.
In Committee on Finance. - Order of Business.
In reply to what the Minister has said, would it not be better for the Government to get in touch with the Whips of the other Parties and see if that arrangement is acceptable?
If objection is taken to-morrow we will take the Report Stage on Friday.
Agreed: That the Order fixing Report Stage of Beet Sugar Bill for Friday be discharged.
Report Stage to be taken to-morrow.
The Dáil adjourned at 10.30 p.m. until 3 p.m. on Thursday, 3rd August.