I propose to ask the House to agree with the Seanad in this amendment and, if there is no objection, to record their agreement now.
Bills From the Seanad - Damage to Property (Compensation) (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, 1933—From the Seanad.
Amendment inserted by the Seanad.
1. Section 3, sub-section (6). Before the word "rules" in line 19 the words "the first" inserted.
We failed to hear what the Minister said.
Deputies desire an explanation of the amendment.
As the sub-section stood in the Bill, as unamended, the Appointed Day was fixed as the day on which the Rules of Court come into operation. During the discussion in the Dail on the 20th July Deputy Fitzgerald-Kenney, I think, pointed out that the first Rules of Court might be amended subsequently, and that, consequently, some confusion might arise as to the exact date that would constitute the last day on which claims might be lodged. To make the matter perfectly clear, the words "the first" were inserted before the word "rules" by the Seanad and it is proposed to ask the Dáil to agree to that.
The Dáil agreed to the Seanad amendment.
Message to be sent to the Seanad accordingly.