asked the Minister for Finance if he will state when a report may be expected from the Inter-Departmental Committee set up to consider ways and means of finding work for the unemployed, and the spending to advantage of moneys voted for the relief of unemployment, and, if a report has been made, if he will state what are the recommendations contained in the report, and the extent to which they have been implemented.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Report of Inter-Departmental Committee on Unemployment.
A third interim report has been received from the Inter-Departmental Committee and it, with the two previous interim reports, is at present under consideration by the Government. A fourth report, which it is anticipated will complete the labours of the Committee, is expected at an early date. In the meantime no final decision has been reached to give effect to the general recommendations received. Until the Committee has completed the task assigned to it, I am not in a position to consider what amount of publicity should be given to the substance of its reports.