asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce whether representations were made to him regarding the unsatisfactory character of the bus service provided in Dublin between O'Connell Bridge and certain areas in the Rialto district; whether he has taken any, and, if so, what action to secure for the citizens affected an adequate service; whether he is aware that the service is still very unsatisfactory and is causing much hardship, and whether it is his intention to take any further steps to satisfy the reasonable requirements of the citizens in this respect.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin Bus Service.
No representations have been made to me regarding the character of the bus services provided in the Rialto district. In consequence of representations made by a deputation representative of residents in the Inchicore and Fairbrothers Fields districts which waited on me on the 25th March, I communicated with the Dublin United Tramways Company, following which steps were immediately taken to restore in these districts modified bus services in lieu of those temporarily withdrawn. I have been assured by the company that the services in these districts will be progressively improved accordingly as additional vehicles become available.