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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 28 Apr 1936

Vol. 61 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Spanish Quota for Eggs.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state whether a quota for eggs has been allotted to the Irish Free State by the Spanish Government for any period after the 31st March, 1936, and if so, the nature of that quota, and if he will state the estimated quantity and value of the eggs likely to be exported under such quota during the nine months 1st April, 1936, to 31st December, 1936.

No quota for eggs beyond that provided for in the agreement of the 1st April, 1935, has been allotted to the Irish Free State by the Spanish Government. This matter, together with the other aspects of the trade relations between the two countries, is at present under discussion with the Spanish Government.

Is there, then, at the present time, no Spanish trade agreement in existence?

The matter is at present under discussion with the Spanish Government.

In the meantime, is there any carrying on, in fact, of the trade agreement entered into last year?

I should require notice of that question.
