asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state (1) the total quota of eggs allotted by the Spanish Government to the Irish Free State in the period 1st April, 1935, to 31st March, 1936; (2) the total quantity and value of the eggs exported under that quota during that quota period; (3) the quota of oranges allotted by the Irish Free State to Spain for the period 1st April, 1935, to 31st March, 1936, and (4) the total quantity and value of the oranges imported from Spain under that quota during that quota period.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Reciprocal Quotas With Spain.
The information required by the Deputy is as follows:—
1. The total quota of eggs allotted by the Spanish Government to the Saorstát in the period 1st April, 1935, to 31st March, 1936, was 22,000 metric quintals.
2. The quantity of eggs consigned from the Saorstát to Spain in the period mentioned was, according to Saorstát statistics, 182,464 great hundreds, equivalent approximately to 12,165 metric quintals, valued at £56,582.
3. The agreement of 1st April, 1935, between the Saorstát and Spanish Governments provided for quotas amounting to 10,000 tons for the importation of Spanish oranges into the Saorstát during the period of 12 months from the beginning of the first quota period. The first quota period commenced on the 1st June, 1935. The total amount of the quotas allotted to Spain from that date to 31st May, 1936, was 217,500 cwts.
4. As the first quota period did not commence until the 1st June, 1935, the quota periods covering the 12 months from that date will not expire until the 31st proximo.