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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 14 Dec 1937

Vol. 69 No. 15

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cork Corporation Workmen's Pensions.

asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health whether he is now in a position to state when the proposals for legislation to enable Cork Corporation to pay pensions to its workmen will be introduced.

I have nothing to add to the reply given to the Deputy on the 24th ultimo.

Does the Parliamentary Secretary appreciate that the Cork County Council is anxious to provide their employees with a pension scheme: that the employees of certain local authorities in the country have a pension scheme; and will he do something to expedite the introduction of legislation which will at least enable the Cork Corporation employees to enjoy the same pensions rights as are enjoyed by the employees of other local authorities? It is obviously unfair that this legislation should be held up.

The Deputy may not be aware that the City Council adjourned consideration of the proposal at their recent meeting pending further information as to the cost of the scheme. The matter is under active investigation, but agreement has not yet been reached. The City Council has not been in a position accurately to estimate the cost of the scheme.

Is it not true that the City Council initiated the move to provide pensions?

I do not question that. Initiation is one thing; implementation is another.

Will the Minister implement it?
