asked the Minister for Justice if he will state the total number of cases in which the charge of manslaughter arising out of motor accident was brought to trial at the Circuit Criminal Court, Green Street, in the year 1937, and the number of such cases in which (a) disagreement was recorded; (b) a verdict was given of guilty, and (c) a verdict was given of not guilty.
Written Answers. - Manslaughter Charges.
The information asked for will be published in the form of a tabular statement in the Official Report.
Following is the information:—
D.M.G. AREA, 1937.
(3) Cases of Manslaughter arising out of Motor Accidents brought before the Circuit Court in the Year 1937 and Results.
No. of Cases. |
Disagreement. |
Guilty. |
Not Guilty. |
9 |
— |
3 |
6 |