asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he is aware that fat pigs and fat cattle are now being imported into Éire; and whether he will take steps to ensure that sufficient supplies of cattle and pigs to supply at least the home market will in future be produced in this country.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Production of Fat Pigs and Cattle.
For some time prior to the beginning of this month fat pigs were imported from Northern Ireland for curing, largely for export, by certain firms. These imports were not confined to animals from farms near the Border, as had been originally intended, but were, in the main, drawn from farms situate at very considerable distances from the Border. It was, therefore, decided last month to regulate such imports by licences and this system became operative on the 3rd instant. Since that date, no licence for the import of fat pigs from Northern Ireland has been issued and I am, therefore, not aware that fat pigs are now being imported into Éire.
The statistical returns show that during the first four months of this year only 122 cattle, classified as fat, were imported from Northern Ireland. This cross-Border trade in such animals is probably continuing to much the same extent. It facilitates residents near the Border on both sides and the number of cattle so imported is extremely small in comparison with the number fattened in Éire not only for the home but also for the export demand.
There is no justification whatsoever for the suggestion contained in the latter portion of the Deputy's question that the home supplies of either fat pigs or fat cattle are inadequate to meet the needs of the home market.