asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he has granted or proposes to grant a licence for the erection of a creamery at Kilbrittain, County Cork; and, if so, whether he is aware that there is already a creamery in Kilbrittain district, and that it is now proposed to erect a new creamery near it; if he will further state the nature and source of the representations made to him in support of the application for the licence, and whether he has received written representations from farmers in the district, who own over 300 milch cows, to the effect that a second creamery is not required; and if he will state what action he proposes to take in the matter.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Creamery Facilities at Kilbrittain and Ballinascarthy.
asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he has granted a licence for the erection of a creamery at Ballinascarthy, Clonakilty, County Cork; and, if so, whether he is aware that there is an existing creamery at Ballinascarthy, and that it is proposed to erect the new creamery within a few hundred yards of it; if he will state the nature and source of the representations made to him in support of the application for a licence for the proposed creamery; whether he has received written representations from farmers in the district who own 350 milch cows, expressing their satisfaction with the existing creamery; and if he proposes to take any further action in the matter.
I propose to deal with questions Nos. 7 and 8 together. Licences for the erection of creameries at Ballinascarthy and Kilbrittain have been promised. I am aware that there are existing creameries at these places and that it is proposed to erect the new creameries close to the existing creameries. Applications for licences under the Creamery Act, 1928, for the establishment of creameries at Ballinascarthy and Kilbrittain were made by local co-operative societies. At the same time I received representations that the creamery facilities already provided were adequate for the needs of these districts. Investigations were carried out by inspectors under the Dairy Produce Act who were familiar with all the circumstances. After considering their reports and the representations made for and against the establishment of new creameries, I came to the conclusion that it would be in the best interests of the dairy farmers in the districts that co-operative creameries should be made available to which they could send their milk if they so wished. Licences for the establishment of creameries were, accordingly, promised to the societies concerned. I do not propose to take further action in the matter beyond granting licences, as promised, when the new premises are ready for registration.
Does the Minister not consider, in view of the fact that the policy of the Department is gradually to absorb the existing creameries into the scheme of the Department, that a very considerable amount of expense and a considerable amount of waste will be the result of this decision of his?
It was not so easy to make progress in the absorption of some of the proprietary creameries referred to.
Would the Minister be prepared now to give further consideration to the views of the local farmers on this matter? In the last analysis they are the people who ought to be consulted. As well as I could gather from the Minister's reply, I took it to be that it is the view of certain co-operative societies and of officials of societies that has prevailed in this matter, and not the view of the local farmers who are the people mainly concerned.
No. We tried to ascertain the views of the local farmers as far as we could, and we came to the conclusion, on the reports received, that the majority of the local farmers are in favour of these new creameries being erected.
The local farmers have sent in a petition stating otherwise.
And they signed the other, too.
I suggest to the Minister that he ought to have a further investigation into the matter.