asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state whether the existing regulations regarding the sending of parcels of butter, bacon, eggs and fowl, etc., by parcel post by residents of this country to relatives and friends in Great Britain—as is customary during the Christmas period each year—are now restricted owing to present circumstances; if so, if he will state what are the conditions to be observed; and whether he will confer with the British representative with a view to facilitating such postings.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Parcels to Great Britain.
So far as this Department is concerned, the existing regulations regarding the sending by persons in this country of small parcels of butter, bacon, eggs and fowl by parcel post to relatives and friends in Great Britain will not be modified prior to Christmas. It is understood that the British Ministry of Food does not propose to interfere with the delivery of such parcels pending the introduction of rationing restrictions, which will not come into operation before Christmas.