asked the Minister for Defence if he will state (a) the initial cost of the new seacraft which has been or will be acquired; (b) the personnel of such craft; (c) the method of recruitment, scales of pay and conditions of employment of such personnel, and (d) the estimated annual cost of the establishment.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cost and Personnel of New Seacraft.
The national defence requires the establishment of a marine service consisting of trawlers and motor torpedo boats. (a) It is not possible to give an exact estimate of the initial cost. When our estimated full requirements for the defence of our territorial waters are met, the total capital expenditure will probably be £250,000. (b) The personnel required consists of navigation officers, engineer officers, engine room artificers, telegraphists, signalmen, seamen and engine room hands. (c) Applications for the additional personnel required have been invited by means of a Press advertisement and they will be recruited from amongst the applicants by means of selection boards set up by me. The rates of pay and conditions of employment of such additional personnel are as follows:—
Lieutenant (officer in charge of boat), 10/- rank pay plus 3/6 additional pay; 2nd/lieutenant (engineer officer), 8/- rank pay plus 3/6 additional pay; company sergeant (boatswain), 6/- rank pay plus 3/6 additional pay; corporal (engine room artificer), 4/- rank pay plus 2/6 additional pay; corporal (torpedo-man), 4/- rank pay plus 1/9 additional pay; private (A.B. seaman), 2/6 rank pay plus 1/6 additional pay.
Ration allowance and uniform allowance will be issued to the officers, and rations and clothing will be provided for the men. Medical and hospital treatment will be available free of charge subject to the limitations which apply to soldiers of the forces. Personnel required for the marine service will be commissioned or enlisted in the forces and will be subject generally to the regulations which apply to the forces. (d) The estimated annual cost of the marine service is roughly £150,000. This is a tentative figure. It will be realised that the service is as yet only in the process of formation and that a final costing cannot be given until a more advanced stage of development is reached.