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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 5 Dec 1939

Vol. 78 No. 7

Housing (Gaeltacht) (Amendment) Bill, 1939—First Stage.

Leave granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to enable grants and loans under the Housing (Gaeltacht) Act, 1929, to be made in excess of the limit imposed by Section 2 of the Housing (Gaeltacht) (Amendment) Act, 1934.—(The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Lands (Mr. O'Grady) ).

We propose, if the House agrees, to take all the stages of this Bill to-morrow.

Before we have seen the Bill?

The Bill will be circulated this evening.

Well, now, give us a chance. Let us see the Bill before we have any talk about all stages to-morrow.

All stages provisionally fixed for to-morrow.

Might I ask the Parliamentary Secretary, in anticipation of getting this measure through all its stages this week, if he would endeavour to answer a question that might be put down this evening as to to-morrow's business.


Second Stage fixed for Wednesday, 6th December.
