asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce whether he is aware that considerable hardship, and even danger, is involved for persons in receipt of unemployment assistance residing in Hare Island, Church Cross, Skibbereen, County Cork, in crossing to the mainland to prove unemployment; and whether he is prepared to arrange for such persons to prove unemployment before some responsible person on the island.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Hare Islanders and Unemployment Assistance.
The existing arrangements enabling applicants, resident on Hare Island, to prove unemployment were decided upon only after careful consideration of all the relevant facts and in consultation with the Gárda Commissioner. My Department has been advised that in the ordinary course of events there is no hardship or danger involved in these arrangements. If, however, the Deputy will furnish evidence which would go to show that in fact such hardship or danger does exist the matter will receive further consideration.