asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if sanction has been refused to proposals by the Limerick City Manager, acting on behalf of the city council, for the repair and reconstruction of the embankment of the Abbey River at Corbally, Limerick County Borough; and if he is aware that this work, if carried out, would be a very much appreciated public amenity, and in addition, would give much needed protection to 90 acres of highly valued land, to 20 houses, which have been built out of moneys borrowed from the Limerick City Council under the Small Dwellings (Acquisition) Act, and to the main road leading to East Clare, and to the power station at Ardnacrusha, and if, in view of the urgency of this matter, he will have the previous decision reconsidered.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Reconstruction of Limerick River Embankment.
The reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The works referred to in the question were proposed by the corporation as an amenity scheme, the cost of which would be met mainly out of the funds allocated to the corporation for the financing of works for the provision of employment. It was not established to the satisfaction of the Department that the corporation were legally empowered to expend any of their own moneys on the repair of the embankment. Before the works were rejected as an amenity scheme it was ascertained from the Irish Land Commission that repair works at a cost of £1,002 had been carried out by the commission between the years 1931 and 1934, although that Department was under no obligation to repair the breaches. Portion of the expenditure by the Irish Land Commission was to be recouped by the owners of the benefited holdings, but so far no payment has been made by any of the beneficiaries. On the evidence before my Department I could not approve of the Corporation of Limerick undertaking any liability for the maintenance of the embankment. I will, however, have the position further examined in relation to the houses and road to which the Deputy refers.