asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is aware that large stocks of surplus turf are available at Caherciveen, Caragh Lake, Portmagee, Ballinskelligs, Dromid and Waterville districts and whether, in these circumstances, he will take steps to secure the necessary market for these supplies at reasonable prices.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Market for Turf.
It is too early in the season to say whether the stocks of turf now in any particular area are surplus to the requirements of the area, since it cannot be assumed, in present circumstances, that in the future coal can be procured from abroad in the quantities ordinarily imported in the past. If for any cause imports of coal diminish or cease completely there will be a shortage of fuel. In the meantime the position in respect of turf stocks is subject to careful observation. While bearing this in mind, however, I would advise individual producers of turf to do what is possible to dispose of their stocks in the normal way.