asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state the quantity of butter held in cold storage in Ireland on November 1st, 1938, 1939 and 1940.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Butter in Cold Storage.
The quantity of butter held in public cold stores in Eire in each year was:—
1938 (1/11/38) |
(1939 (1/11/39) |
1940 (15/10/40) |
101,998 cwt. |
123,660 cwt. |
62,805 cwt. |
In addition the following quantities were held by creameries and merchants elsewhere than in public cold stores on the same dates:—
1938 |
1939 |
1940. |
39,810 cwt. |
58,922 cwt. |
36,712 cwt. |