asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state what steps he proposes to take to ensure the satisfactory disposal of the additional agricultural products which will result from his Emergency Powers (No. 53) Order, 1940.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Disposal of Agricultural Products.
Mr. Brennan
For all wheat of millable quality harvested this year and for all beet grown in 1941 under contracts with Comhlucht Siúicre Éireann, Teo., there is an assured market at a guaranteed price. Owing to the increasing difficulties in connection with the import of maize and other feeding stuffs and to the high prices which have to be charged therefor, I anticipate that barley, surplus to maltsters' needs, and oats, surplus to the needs of millers and horse owners, will be required for the feeding of live stock and poultry along with other products of tillage such, for example, as potatoes and roots.
Mr. Brennan
Is the Minister satisfied that the increase asked for for the coming year will be marketable also in the same way, under that emergency order?
Mr. Brennan
Will the Minister take any steps to see that a fixed price is arranged and not an agreed price that the millers could get away from? Will he do anything to ensure that there will be a market?
Yes, if necessary. It has not been suggested to me that the millers have paid less than was agreed upon.
Mr. Brennan
I have stated it here every time that the subject has been mentioned.
That the millers have paid less?
Mr. Brennan
Yes. The agreed price has not been paid in County Roscommon at all.
Will the Minister say what is to happen the man who cannot get a buyer for barley at any price?
Let the rats eat it.
What is the use of talking about an agreed price if you cannot get a customer?
Mr. Brennan
What is the use of asking for increased tillage unless you are able to sell it?