asked the Minister for Education if he is aware of the increasing unemployment existing in the printing and kindred trades; and, if so, whether he will consider the advisability of releasing for printing the many modern Irish manuscripts which are at present held up in his Department.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Unemployment in Printing Trade.
The present policy followed by the Department of Education in connection with the publication of books in Irish is to publish only works that are required by the secondary schools, or for which there is likely to be a demand by readers and students of Irish. Books of this kind are being sent for printing and publication as soon as they can be got ready by the Department's editors.
It is proposed to release for printing before the end of the next month four new school text books, while during the nine months following about a dozen new books will, it is hoped, be sent on for printing. In addition, I expect that reprints of from 15 to 20 of the books already published will be needed during the coming year.