asked the Minister for Education if he is aware that the national school at Coole, Garadice, Kilcock, Meath, is unfit for use as a school, and if he will take immediate steps to see that a new one is provided.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Condition of Meath School.
My Department is advised that this school building is structurally sound, but that in view of certain defects in the premises, a new school should be provided. Grants for the erection and inprovement of schools have been considerably restricted in consequence of existing conditions, and in the circumstances a grant for the erection of a new schoolhouse in this case cannot be sanctioned at present.
On the appointment of a new manager in succession to the recently deceased parish priest, my Department will communicate with him in reference to the execution of such works as are necessary to make the premises serviceable for a further period pending the erection of a new school.