asked the Minister for Lands if he is aware of the large number of contracts placed by the Land Commission for the erection of houses in County Meath in the last five years, that many of these were never completed, houses which should have been completed over two years ago being still in an unfinished state, with roof and walls exposed to the weather, and if he will take immediate action to see that these contracts are duly completed.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Meath Housing Contracts.
In a relatively small number of cases building contractors in County Meath have defaulted in their contracts, and the Land Commission are taking the necessary steps to have the unfinished houses completed. The Deputy is, doubtless, aware of the present difficult conditions in the building trade.
Take care that the Minister for Local Government does nut dissolve you for inefficiency.
asked the Minister for Lands if he will state how many Land Commission houses in County Meath, completed up to December, 1939, are unoccupied, and if he will take any steps to see that those houses are occupied.
The information which the Deputy desires is not available. The Land Commission have not found it practicable at present to undertake complete investigation by counties of the usership by allottees of their holdings and the houses thereon, and only partial information has been secured so far. This shows that, at least, 25 houses in County Meath have not yet been occupied by the allottees for whom they were built. Steps are being taken to compel the proper occupation of these houses or, in default, to recover possession. The Land Commission inspectors have instructions to report all cases of houses unoccupied by allottees which come under their notice, and the allottees are warned that unless they enter into effective occupation within a specified period, the Land Commission will take back the houses and lands. The Deputy may rest assured that the Land Commission are fully alive to the position, and determined to enforce their warnings.