asked the Minister for Lands if he will state why Edward Smith, Oristown, Kells, County Meath, who worked for 25 years on the estate of Major Collins-Gerrard, Gibbstown, County Meath, until it was divided by the Land Commission in 1927, was refused a holding, and whether, in view of his apparent suitability fur such, he will have him allotted a holding in the vicinity.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Claim to Meath Holding.
On the division of the estate of Major Gerrard, County Meath, Edward Smith, of Orristown, applied for an accommodation plot of five Irish acres near the board of health cottage in which he lives. The board of health cottage is, however, situated at a distance of one-and-a-half miles from this estate and it was accordingly decided to consider this application for an accommodation plot when untenanted land becomes available for division in the vicinity of his residence.