asked the Minister for Lands if he will state when it is intended to complete the acquisition and division of the Young estate, Ballygalduff, Tobinstown, County Carlow.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Acquisition of Carlow Estate.
The Land Commission have had an inspection made of the lands of Ballygalduff Upper, on the estate of the representatives of John Young, and the question of acquisition of the lands is at present having their consideration and will be dealt with as expeditiously as possible.
Was not part of this estate acquired over two years ago? The estate consists of two holdings, one of which is accessible to the public road and the other inaccessible. The inaccessible holding was acquired two years ago and sub-let. Is that a businesslike transaction?
The position is that when the Land Commission decided to institute compulsory proceedings for one portion of the estate of Ballygalduff Upper, containing 118 acres, it was found necessary, on the recommendation of the inspector to prepare a scheme for the remaining portion of the lands, containing 127 acres. This matter is at present the subject of attention.