asked the Minister for Justice if it is intended to continue summer time throughout the winter.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Summer Time.
Mr. Boland
The Government have decided to extend summer time throughout the coming winter. The major consideration which influenced the Government in deciding to extend summer time here is that such an extension would facilitate work at our ports and particularly at the port of Dublin. The extra hour of daylight in the evening is of advantage for the loading of cargo, particularly at these hours when the greater portion of cargo for shipment comes forward and when last minute arrangements may have to be made, as the work can be carried out more safely and more expeditiously in daylight than in artificial light. In the existing circumstances, anything which would facilitate, even in a minor degree, the punctual dispatch of ships and cargo from our ports and render easier the loading of such ships is obviously of the utmost importance. The Government were advised also that the extension of summer time would effect a saving in fuel and artificial lighting and, in view of the urgent need for conserving supplies, this appeared to them to be an important consideration.
The Government are well aware that there are objections to the extension of summer time but, after a careful consideration of the matter, they have come to the conclusion that the balance of advantage lies with extension. One of the strongest objections raised against extending summer time is that summer time has an adverse effect on school children. This is admitted. School managers, however, can at their discretion alter school hours to suit local convenience.
The Government have decided to extend summer time only as a special measure in the present circumstances. The whole question of the summer time system is at present being examined by a committee. The committee were consulted regarding the question of extending summer time throughout the coming winter, but they stated that they are not at present in a position to express any view on the question.