The business will be taken as on the Order Paper—items 1 and 2 and 5 to 15 inclusive, item 4 to be taken in its appropriate place, and item 12 not to be proceeded with.
Order of Business.
When will item 12 be taken?
There is another motion in substitution for that—item No. 10.
I take it that No. 10 will not be taken to-day?
Oh, yes.
Notice of the intention to do so has been given, but we have not seen the scheme yet.
It is only a question of a change of date.
Mr. Byrne
May I ask the Minister when he intehds to introduce legislation to implement his promise to provide maintenance for the mother of Liam Mellowes? The promise was made here some time ago that such a measure would be introduced, and I should like to know when it will be introduced.
It does not seem to arise out of the Order of Business, which is what the House is discussing.
Mr. Byrne
I want to know whether the Minister proposes to do so?
It is open to the Deputy to inquire, but this is not the proper time. It does not arise out of the Order of Business.
Will the discussion which would have taken place on No. 12 take place on No. 10?
Would the Minister say what is the position with regard to Private Members' time this evening?
If the business, as ordered, be completed by 9 o'clock, or before 9 o'clock, the remainder of the time will be given to Private Deputies.
I take it that it is agreed that Private Members' time will be confined to disposing of motion No. 22?
If the House so desires.
It is not proposed to go on to motion No. 23, if motion No. 22 is disposed of?
Not to-night.