asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health whether he has received representations from Wicklow County Council regarding a proposal to construct a new coastal and tourist road connecting the towns of Wicklow and Arklow, and whether he is aware that the county council has raised a substantial amount, in rates towards the cost of this work with a view to relieving the large number of unemployed in the area; and if he will state the reason why the work has not been proceeded with on the Wicklow section and the reason for the suspension of the work on the Arklow section.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Construction of Tourist Road.
The reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The work on the Wicklow section of this road was not proceeded with pending the acquisition of the necessary lands for the making of the road. I am in communication with the Wicklow County Council in regard to this matter. Progress on the Wicklow section cannot be made until the site for the new road is acquired.
In December, 1939, a grant of £1,400 subject to a local contribution of £700 was allocated for the first year's programme on the Arklow section of the road. This sum has now been expended. Consideration is being given to the question of the allocation of a further grant for the completion of the work.