asked the Minister for Supplies if, in view of the possibility of a scarcity of essential foodstuffs, he will take immediate steps to have such commodities rationed, and to have such rationing carried out by the issue of ration cards to all citizens, thus ensuring an equitable distribution of such essentials.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Rationing of Foodstuffs.
The question of ensuring the equitable distribution of available supplies of essential foodstuffs continues to engage the constant attention of my Department and a scheme of rationing by means of ration cards has been devised and will be introduced if and when the necessity arises.
In connection with the rationing of tea, already announced, would the Minister take an early opportunity of stating how he is going to allocate supplies to retailers because, as he must realise, the present position is that while one retailer has a large and ample stock his neighbour has none?
Details of the arrangements concerning tea will be published shortly.
May we take it that the Minister will guarantee to each retailer supplies of tea at a suitable price to meet the demands of customers registered with him?
To the extent that tea is available.
We can take it that there will be an equitable distribution amongst shopkeepers?
That is a very useful pronouncement.