asked the Minister for Supplies if he has made any arrangements for the supply of paraffin oil to small traders who were regular distributors of oil to those who used paraffin for household lighting; if, further, he will arrange that those room dwellers and cottage tenants who have neither electric nor gas lighting facilities will be protected.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Supply of Paraffin Oil.
Mr. Byrne
Owing to the limited supplies of paraffin oil available and in order that the needs of essential services may be met as far as possible, it has been found necessary to restrict by 50 per cent. the sale of this commodity to householders, etc., who require it solely for lighting and domestic purposes. If any of the householders referred to by the Deputy are unable to secure their quota of the limited supplies distributed to retailers they should communicate direct with my Department, giving the name and address of their usual supplier and the normal quantity of paraffin oil purchased by them each week.
Mr. Byrne
The people I have in mind are people who buy paraffin oil in pints, or in pennyworths, when they have the penny. Will the Minister protect them against a position in which people might buy and store big supplies?
Arrangements have been made for the distribution of supplies to retailers on the understanding that they are going to comply with the request of the Department, that is, that they will curtail the sales of paraffin oil for purely domestic purposes by 50 per cent., but that they will give each of their regular customers 50 per cent. of their normal purchases. Retailers may not comply with that, and, in that case, they will have to be dealt with, and if persons who feel that they are not being treated as they should be treated will communicate with my Department, we will take the necessary action.
asked the Minister for Supplies if he is aware that there is much dissatisfaction in Connemara arising out of the paraffin oil shortage; whether a promise was made by his Department of a special concession to the area in question; whether he is aware that fishermen using oil engines cannot get adequate supplies; and in view of this if he will now give information concerning the said concession, if any.
The supplies of paraffin oil in the country are limited and it has been found necessary to restrict its consumption for lighting and heating purposes in order that essential services, including the fishing industry, may receive normal requirements.
If any difficulty is experienced by fishermen in obtaining supplies of paraffin oil for use in their fishing boats, they should communicate direct with my Department giving the name of their usual supplier and the quantity normally purchased by them per month.
I realise that the restrictions imposed on the non-essential services have caused some inconvenience, but in present circumstances no assurance has been or can be given in respect of such services that any particular area will receive special consideration.
Is the Minister aware that the giving of a special concession was reported in a local paper; that users have been demanding full supplies from traders and have become very irate on being refused, and are now charging his Department with having deluded them?
I am so aware, but the fact is as stated in my reply, that no such assurance was given.
Might I ask the Minister also if he will see that petrol for starting these fishing-boat engines will be allowed?
Oh, quite.