asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state the retail prices of tea obtaining in the City of Dublin during the years 1939, 1940, and at the present time.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Price of Tea.
The predominant retail price of tea described as "used by the wage-earning classes" in Dublin City as returned at each of the quarterly inquiries in the years 1939 and 1940 was 2/8 per lb. As in the case of Questions Nos. 28 and 29, it should be pointed out that this price has been derived from the few returns which are collected in Dublin City in connection with the computation of the official cost-of-living index numbers for which purpose, as already explained, it is necessary only that the national average prices of the commodities included should correctly reflect the general trend. Mid-November, 1940, is the last date for which the inquiry was made.
Is the information in the Minister's Department that there was no increase of price during 1939 or 1940?
So far as prices are concerned, we are concerned only with the returns made for the purpose of compiling the official cost-of-living index figure. I am not prepared to say whether there was or was not an increase in price for a certain quality of tea in the period mentioned. All we are concerned with in the Department is the price of the tea most generally used and, according to the return submitted to us, the average price of that tea was 2/8.
Is the Minister not aware that there was considerable deterioration in the quality of tea available?
I have no means of ascertaining that. We do not keep tea testers in our Department.
You would not contradict me if I said there was?
If the people who make these returns continue to put down 2/-, quarter after quarter, will the Department continue to accept them or will their eyes be opened?
Is the Minister aware that a very inferior class of tea is being sold to poor people at 3/- a lb.? In some cases, poor quality tea has been retailed at 7d. a quarter lb.