asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is now in a position to state when it is proposed to present to the public the reports of the Tribunal of Inquiry on Public Transport presented to his Department in August, 1939; if he is aware that the various interested parties, both Capital and Labour, are becoming alarmed at the delay in putting the transport of the country on a sound financial and economical basis.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Report on Transport Problem.
Mr. Byrne
asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state if he has yet completed his examination of the reports of the Transport Tribunal furnished to his predecessor in August, 1939; whether he can now state if the Government intend to implement any of its recommendations during the present year.
I propose to answer Questions Nos. 31 and 32 together. The reports of the Transport Tribunal were submitted to my predecessor just prior to the outbreak of the present war. The examination of these reports has been proceeding in my Department and in the other Departments of the Government concerned in the light of the continuously changing conditions which have been experienced since then. It is clear that until there is some stability in the circumstances in which our transport undertakings have to work, final decisions as to the recommendations in the report cannot be arrived at, and that, indeed, the whole position may require to be reviewed afresh when trading and transport conditions become normal. In this situation, there would seem to be little public utility in publishing reports which were based on circumstances which have altered materially since the outbreak of war and which will, no doubt, continue to change during the whole period of the present emergency.
If the Minister and his Departmental advisers are unable to come to any considered conclusion after 18 months, will he allow these reports out of cold storage and enable Deputies of all Parties to tender the best advice they can give?