asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will furnish a return giving particulars of the acreage of arable land in each county, and also particulars of the acreage of land under tillage in 1940.
Written Answers. - Arable Land.
As pointed out in a reply to Deputy Cogan on 24th April last, the extent to which the area under meadow and pasture could be regarded as "arable", that is, as capable of cultivation for the production of crops, has not been precisely determined. The distribution of land under crops and pasture in Eire at 1st June, 1940, as returned by the enumerators of the agricultural statistics, was:—
Statute Acres |
Corn and Green Crops, Flax and Fruit |
1,845,847 |
Hay |
2,126,245 |
Pasture |
7,615,684 |
Total Crops and Pasture |
11,587,776 |
The figures for each county have already been published on page 169 of the December, 1940, issue of the Irish Trade Journal and Statistical Bulletin.