asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state the quantity of creamery butter produced in Eire during each of the years 1938, 1939 and 1940, and the quantity exported in each of the years mentioned with or without licence.
Written Answers. - Creamery Butter.
The quantities of creamery butter produced in 1938, 1939 and 1940 were respectively 766,460 cwt., 718,279 cwt., and 657,956 cwt. The quantity exported in 1938 was 327,636 cwt. Official figures of exports for the remaining two years are not now published.
asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state the quantity of creamery butter exported with or without licence between November 1st, 1940, and January 31st, 1941.
The quantity of creamery butter exported under licence during the period mentioned was 1,105 cwt.
Between 1st and 8th November a small quantity of butter may have been exported as gifts or taken out of Éire by visitors, but no record of the quantity is available in my Department.