It is proposed to take items 7, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in that order.
Motion to Sit Late.
Is it proposed to make an order about the conclusion of the day's business?
At question time yesterday, I said that I thought it was understood we would take the adjournment to-day at the usual time. I was asked by Deputy Dillon if there was any understanding on the matter and I told the House that I believed that was the understanding. I thought that Deputy Dillon accepted that.
What I said was that you would get both items on Friday.
I understood that the understanding was that we would get the financial business at the usual time on Friday.
A couple of hours one way or the other do not matter a hoot.
Some hour must be fixed for the adjournment.
The most satisfactory course would be to decide that we would sit, if necessary, until 12 o'clock to-night so as to complete the Business. We have a discussion proceeding on supplies at the present time. It has been rather long and we do not know exactly when it will finish. The Taoiseach has come in on that discussion, and I have some questions to raise on the supply side. Then, the Central Fund Bill will have to be dealt with and that will open up a general discussion on the economic situation. It would be better to let so important a discussion run freely, from the point of view of time, by agreeing that we shall sit not later than 12 o'clock. We have no desire to drag out the discussion in any way, but we feel that there is an important matter to be discussed arising out of the presentation of the Estimates as a whole. These Estimates deal with a very important situation in circumstances that Ministers have described as critical. We do not intend to drag out the debate unnecessarily but, as we are sitting to-day, it would not serve any purpose to restrict the time which might be necessary for an important discussion.
I am glad to hear that the Opposition do not propose to drag out the discussion unnecessarily. We have no desire to burke discussion. This debate has occupied Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and, now, it is about to be continued on Friday. The question is important. The Opposition asked for the discussion on supplies and they have got it. They have occupied most of the time. I am not objecting to that. Yesterday there was only one intervention from our side—that by Deputy Childers, who spoke for about ten minutes.
The Taoiseach spoke for an hour and very welcome he was. He was in great form and, cute old warrior that he is, he got away with the greater part of the newspaper this morning.
And Deputy Dillon spoke for one and a half hours.
I did my part, too.
What order is it proposed to make?
All I am anxious about is that the debate should not be dragged out unnecessarily. This is financial business, and there are rules and regulations which curtail the time available. The Central Fund Bill must be got through by a certain date, but we have no desire to curtail discussion. We would hardly get away with it if we tried, but we have no intention of trying. I move now that the Dáil sit later than 2 p.m. and that the order for the adjournment be taken not later than 12 o'clock midnight, the financial business on the Order Paper to be then concluded. I should hope that we would wind up the business at about 6 o'clock.