asked the Minister for Supplies if he will state what are the retail prices charged for bacon in each of the following cities and towns, namely, Waterford, Kilkenny, Clonmel, Drogheda, Sligo, Enniscorthy, New Ross and Wexford; if he has power to fix a maximum price for this commodity, and if he has done so.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Bacon Retail Prices.
It is not possible to give the Deputy the information he requires, as apart from the question of quality there are numerous cuts of bacon, all of which may be sold at different prices. The prices charged for bacon in various cities and towns have been investigated from time to time as occasion required, but apart from the information obtained by these investigations I have no official knowledge of the prices prevailing at any particular time. A fresh investigation will be undertaken in any case if the information available to my Department appears to justify that course. I have power to fix a maximum retail price for bacon, and the matter has been under consideration. I am not convinced, however, of a necessity for invoking my powers in this matter at present as it appears that on the whole competition in the retail provision trade is very keen.