asked the Minister for Supplies if he will state what are the retail prices charged for milk per gallon in each of the following cities and towns, namely, Waterford, Kilkenny, Clonmel, Drogheda, Sligo, Enniscorthy, New Ross and Wexford; if he has power to fix a maximum price for this commodity, and if he has done so.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Milk Retail Prices.
The retail prices charged for milk in provincial cities and towns vary according to local circumstances. I have investigated the prices charged in a number of such centres, but have not exercised my powers to fix maximum prices except where conditions warranted that course. In relation to other centres I have no official information of the prices prevailing at any particular time as a new investigation would not ordinarily be undertaken unless circumstances had changed or on receipt of complaints relating to the prices charged. Maximum prices have been fixed by order in the following cities and towns:—Dublin, Cork, Drogheda and Letterkenny.
Why only those four?
We have fixed a price only where there were circumstances which appeared to make that course desirable; that is where there was only a limited number of suppliers who could be easily organised into a ring, or a tendency to charge excessive prices. In a very large number of cities and towns there is, of course, considerable competition between suppliers and that competition tends to keep the price of milk down.
When did the Minister start getting suspicious of rings?
Surely the Minister will admit that rings can operate in other places? I have in mind that the Wexford Corporation in the last fortnight asked for tenders for a supply of milk under the Government free milk scheme and all the tenders were handed in by one person in the one envelope, which shows that there is a ring that requires examination.
If the Wexford Corporation desire to have that price examined, it will be examined.
They cannot get a reply on some matters, not to speak of an examination.