asked the Minister for Supplies if he will state the retail price of potatoes in Wexford, Enniscorthy, Wicklow, Waterford and Kilkenny on March 8th, 1941, or on the latest date for which the information is obtainable.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Retail Prices of Potatoes.
I am not in a position to inform the Deputy as to the retail prices charged for potatoes on March 8th or any other particular date in the towns mentioned in the question. The retail prices charged for potatoes depend largely on supply and demand in limited areas as it may be taken that they are, in the main, locally produced and consequently are subject to local market fluctuations.
Could the Minister take any steps to get a maximum price fixed for potatoes? I think the Minister will admit that in towns, say, in Wexford county, which is the middle of a large agricultural area, 1/4 a stone is too much for potatoes.
I cannot say what the circumstances are in Wexford, but there can be an examination if necessary. The Deputy will understand that farmers who have potatoes to sell have alternative uses to which they can put them, and the price at which they will have to be bought is a price which will induce them to sell.
I am not complaining of the farmers—I think it is the middlemen who are responsible. I should like the Minister to have it examined.
They are 1/6 per stone in Cork.